Sunday, April 28, 2013

College Readiness: Let Their Voices Be Heard (FINAL PROJECT)

Here is my final project! I revised my second mini project that is basically based on College Readiness. This project is morally based on the idea of Kids, and but the difference between the second mini project and this Final one is that this Final project is ideally based more on the fact that Kids are the future. Hope yall enjoy!


Homeless to Harvard. N.d. Photograph. TinyPicWeb. 28 Apr 2013. <>.

Liz and her mom. N.d. Photograph. BBC NewsWeb. 28 Apr 2013. <>.

2009 Aug Liz Murray. N.d. Photograph. Maximum Impact ClubWeb. 28 Apr 2013. <>.

Hill, Malcolm, John Davis, Alan Prout, and Kay Tisdall. "Moving The Participation Agenda Forward." Children & Society.18 n. page. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.

Coppock, Vicki. "Children as Peer Researchers: Reflections on a Journey of Mutual Discovery." Children & Society.25 (2011): 435-446. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mini Project III

College Readiness: The Voice of the Kids

So I have just posted up my new project! It was very difficult planning about this one since I wanted to do something different. Coming about this project, I wanted to combine what I have done in the past and just go all out on it! I put a lot of work into it and I hope yall enjoy the video!

I was trying to be versatile with this work, meaning I wanted to incorporate the strong points I had in the last two mini projects. I also wanted to do some new stuff.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mini Project II

College Readiness: The Voice of the Kids (Screen-Cast-O-Matic)

Hope you guys like it!
Source: Article "Children as Peer Researchers: Reflections on a Journey of Mutual Discovery" by Vicki Coppock. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Inquiry Mini Project

So honestly, I just got done finishing up my mini project today. It took a lot of planning to do this, and I feel confident it's a good project!

Overall, this mini project wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had fun doing it; I always have fun doing work for my ENGL 1102 class!

When you watch it, just imagine it as sort of like a trailer, the beginning of something big! Without further ado, I present to you my mini project for ENGL 1102: College Readiness: The Voice of the KIDS Pt. I

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome Forest View High School!

It was so awesome to see these young faces as I enter the room. The stare from the eyes of the Honors and APs. The glare from the bright lights above. So much hostility as make my way! Why is my heart beating so fast? Is it because I'm nervous about speaking to these high schoolers; or is is because I just got done walking everywhere downstairs trying to look for this class? Those stairs were hard to walk up; that's no JOKE! I finally felt the PRESENTS, the PRESENTS of the Forest View High School Seniors. 

I knew before I walked into this place the question that I wanted to answer before leaving this room; "What can these seniors from Forest View High teach me about the readiness of college?"

Sitting along my classmate, Kevin, Kevin and I introduced ourselves very poetically to the seniors. The seniors then respectfully showed me and Kevin their introduction. (I forgot all their names now, so I need to talk to kevin so see of he knows.)

As I interacted with the high school students in various activities that was hosted by my teacher Lacy, being able to be active with them gave me a possible idea of where they were from. I can tell some students were lazy, HUNGRY, geeky, and even TALKATIVE.

So when it came down to group work, each table's mission was to answer some questions on the poster. Some of the questions asked: how do you think? what do you do? how do you act?

I am going to let this picture speak for itself.

SPIT! SPLASH! SPLATTER! At the end of the day, it was all about understanding each other.
To answer my question before I came in this room, these young students taught me that even though we have different preferences on college readiness, it's all about what we are willing to do right now to prove ourselves if we are college readiness, not our past.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Found College Poetry

So in my 1102 English class my class and I took did an activity that involved the whole class to venture around our learning environment and seek any word or verses we saw pleasing; this either involved us looking around the classroom, the CHHS building, or even the campus. When the mini-venture was over, mostly everybody in the class had at least 2 word or verses that pointed out to them. We all as a class wrote at least two verses or words on the classroom board. On the board, I saw many different  and similar things, such as:
"home" "running away" 
"fire" "Caucion Caliente" "Love is out" etc.

Our assignment as a class was to individually make a poem some out of the phrases from the board! This interested me because it was the first time I was going to take phrases from my classmates and make a poem out of it! The BIG question was this "how am I going to connect theses phrases in a way where they make sense?" All I saw was random phrases and words posted on the board, so I decided to play with this assignment and see where it took me. This is what I got out of it:

!Precaucion Caliente!
Fire like Africa
Fire from keeping calm
Fire when running for your life
Fire do not pop popcorn, it melts popcorn
Caution Hot!

*I felt that as I was doing this, everything connected in any way, and notice that poetry was a form where there wasn't a right or wrong way.